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What is Beau Fleuve

What is
Beau Fleuve?

Beau Fleuve Music & Arts is multifaceted brand and organization that produces an array of music, arts, community based and culturally relevant events and programing with authentic diverse representation and impact.

Beau Fleuve mission is to stand on the pillars of diversity to build bridges in the our community. We achieve this mission by our belief in our motto in being …

“Culturally Activated & Community Engaged”

Beau Fleuve launched in 2017 with our inaugural signature event in the Beau Fleuve Music & Arts Celebration. Our Celebrate has transcended over the years unto a full event weekend that celebrates all music, arts and culture. 

As we love our Celebration Weekend, we are much more than that! We pride ourselves on being a pillar in our community that leads with real community wide impact year round through operating community placemaking initiatives, arts and culture programs.