College Connect
The College Connect Program is designed to engage and connect with college students between the ages of 18-24. As a multi-generational brand, Beau Fleuve understands the significance of this transitional period in students’ lives, and we are committed to being a supportive resource as they navigate new experiences
Led by our College Connect Ambassadors, our goal is to engage with over 1,000 college students who share an interest in what we offer and what our partners bring to the table. Through events, community engagement, the arts, internships, scholarships, and more, we provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.
College can be both rewarding and challenging, from adjusting to new social dynamics and work-life balance to managing family obligations and academics. Beau Fleuve aims to be a source of activation for students both on and off campus, providing them with additional perks and opportunities for deeper engagement within the community.
Company or Organization that wants to partner with us on our College Connect Program contact